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Most "About" pages tell you (usually in 18,000 words or less) how awesome the trainer is, how much they know and everything they've learned since they were the star of a "My child was student of the hour" bumper sticker in 3rd grade. My guess is you don't give a damn about that. 


Here's what I do think you care about (or else you wouldn't be reading this):


  1. You've got an exercise issue of some kind.

  2. You haven't figured out how to solve it on your own and you're frustrated. I've been there btw, it sucked.

  3. You're looking for someone who is going to actively listen to what you want, then create the most effective plan to get you to your new "there."


Sound familiar? The last 22 years have taught me I can confidently guess "yes."

So, What's So Special About The IPF Approach? YOU Are The Main Character

Your workout experience is all about your goals and how you want to have fun arriving at your new fitness "there." My role? Create the plan to get you going and hopefully get you laughing as much as possible along the way when we talk.


That means, I'll solve the following for you:

  • You've only got 15 minutes thrice a week and you don't have any equipment. No problem! We work on absolutely nailing your bodyweight primal movement patterns (squat, push, pull, hinge) and maybe get the heart rate up a little bit once you do. Schedule friendly fitness is the goal here.

  • Your dumbbells are only 3lbs, and you want to know how to make them challenge your core. What's the plan Professor PE? You'll do a combination of bodyweight and single limb dumbbell movements making your glutes (the foundation of all happy joints) incredibly strong. It may make them wish we never met, but hey, have you ever made an omelet without breaking a few eggs? Me neither.

  • You've got exercise bands, suspension straps and a stability ball. You're a recreational (insert activity here) and you want to enjoy it more (READ: Go faster than your friends for bragging rights. I see you!). What's your how? You'll work on the muscles that support the core and hips working together to make your strong go long (not too mention faster).


Your story may not be one of these examples, but I bet its pretty damn similar. Lucky for you, I'm an idea guy who can successfully get you from A to B a hell of lot stronger than when you started.


Are you ready yet? Me too, click here and let's get going!



You know, I could write "Al was inspired by this thing that was life alterning beyond belief. It was incredibly profound. So much so, it had an amazingly profound impact on him. It really profoundly shaped him as a human for eons to come. See how profoundly awesome he is?"


All that would be is noise. Loads of other trainers have done what I have and more. 

Here are the nuts and bolts of my fitness career for the last two decades....


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“I’m writing with an enthusiastic endorsement for INTEGRATE Performance Fitness, LLC as a resource for implementing core strength programs. I highly recommend INTEGRATE for core strength classes or clinics to empower coaches to teach their own core programs.”

   -Matt, Founder, Northern California High School MTB League and the National Interscholastic Cycling Association


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