This week I'm easing back into the real world after the holidays, but fear not, I've got you calorically covered. Daniella Dayoub, from DFitlife, nutrition know-how master and partner in PE at the studio is going to help you eat like an adult after the age of 40.
Other than sleep, this is probably one of the most critical components to losing weight, feeling good and moving your best. Sit back, pour yourself your favorite cup of caffeine, and enjoy!
So I was at Farmer's Market today and talking to the lovely lady that runs our favorite gluten-free bakery booth. I was oohing and ahhing over the sample of dark chocolate peanut butter goodness she'd just given me. She proceeded to then tell me all about how she has to break it into itty bitty bites and then freeze it at home so that she only eats a manageable niblet. As she told me this, this stunningly beautiful and rather fit lady, got the naughtiest look on her face that read: "I don't trust myself at home and this stuff is seriously lethal, but darn it's yummy, but also, I like fitting into cute jeans."
So alas, this is the conundrum most of us, even the lady that works in a bakery all day have:
"I'm a grown up and I make all my own decisions....yet, given the freedom, I'd eat just like I was 5 years old."
Yep. Even those of us who seem to or claim to be masters of culinary discipline are most likely having to sit on our own hands to stop from O.D.ing on Mom's famous fudge, or Dad's homemade chili, or even that not-so-appealing-but-it's-right-in-front-of-my-face offering in the breakroom at work. Sigh, what's a grown up to do?
Well, for starters, get over yourself. A few bites of something that is seriously irresistibly delicious is not going to thwart all your efforts. The damage comes in the frequency and dosage. The sample I took from the bakery was itty bitty and killed any chocolate cravings I was having. But, if I had then had a few bites off my daughter's snack, and then took another home to nibble on later...damage. Major damage.
It's also a problem when you're making exceptions and digressions from your path for things that aren't really worth it. For example, you have yogurt covered pretzels in the breakroom at work that just seem to call you name...every day...sometimes a couple times a day. They might have been tasty the first time or two, but after that you're just going off the rails. (note: this example comes from an actual client)
There's no reason not to have an indulgence or two here and there, but make sure they are worth it. And then, most importantly, get back on track ASAP. Not tomorrow. Not next week. NOW!! The all-or-nothing mentality won't help you stay the course. If you have goals to reach: weight loss, energy increases, doctor's orders even, you have to keep those in mind. Those little nibbles and treats will keep you sane, but just make them small speed bumps and not massive pile-ups on the 101. Just get right back in the saddle.
Lastly, you've heard me say it before, but I'll say it again, and again:
Ask yourself: "Does it support my goals?" If the answer is no, don't bother!! If you don't get an immediate "yes" put it down.
Yes, you are the grown up. Let's all act like it when making nutrition choices for ourselves. If you would like a little guidance in figuring out exactly what would support your goals, I'm here for you!
If you'd like more information on dialing in your nutrition, check out D's site and give her a follow on social media!